About Us
Who We Are
The Greek-Australian Cultural League (Incorporated) is a non-profit organisation and has no religious or political affiliations.
Its aims are the advancement, support and dissemination of the creative endeavours of Greek-Australian writers and artists whose work primarily reflect the confluence of the Greek and Australian cultures and contribute to the enrichment of Literature, the Visual Arts and the Performing Arts.
In pursuing these aims the League initiates, organises and participates in cultural, artistic, social and intellectual activities and debates.
It also initiates and organises an Annual Literary Competition, publishes the annual, bi-lingual periodical, “Antipodes” and holds the annual art exhibition “Antipodean Palette”.
Established in 1970, it was awarded the Medal of Multiculturalism in December 2006 at the ceremony of Victoria’s Awards for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs Meritorious Service to the Community.