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The Alpha and The Omega

By Stephanie Giannis
Book category: Self-improvement/Spirituality
Publisher: Sid Harta
Year of Publication: 2010
ISBN: 1921642734
Sale Price: $29.95
Stephanie Giannis is an author and poet. Her works have appeared in a number of publications.
She is the author of the anthology: “Fragments of Truth” and of the two inspirational books: “Envision the Vision…You!” and “The Alpha and The Omega”.
Stephanie is also a registered solicitor in New South Wales and has contributed to social causes and fundraisers in the community.



The Alpha and The Omega is an inspirational book that is divided into a number of chapters that deal with areas like financial abundance, joy creation, health awareness and social contribution.
The book will allow you to examine your life as it currently is and then assist you to establish some new goals to reach your life’s purpose.

Webiste: – Stephanie Giannis