Media Releases
The Annual General Meeting 2020
Literary Competition 2021
The Greek-Australian Cultural League is announcing this year’s Literary Competition. This Competition is now an established annual event in the cultural and literary scene of the Greek community in Australia. The Literary Competition includes works written in the...
Antipodean Palette 2020 ‘In Isolation’
When this year's Antipodean Palette 10th Anniversary was shadowed by COVID-19, the GACL Art Team took to the net to organise the GACL's first online art exhibition, proving that artistic expression and innovation can rise from any challenge. INTRODUCING OUR...
The 66th issue of the literary periodical Antipodes will be launched οn Sunday 10th October, 2020. This year the periodical is celebrating its 47th year of continuous circulation. The issue will pay tribute to the Greek-Australian artists of our community. As usual,...
Literary Competition 2020
The Greek-Australian Cultural League is announcing this year’s Literary Competition. This Competition is now an established annual event in the cultural and literary scene of the Greek community in Australia. The Literary Competition includes works written in the...
50th Year Anniversary Celebrations
FIFTIETH YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Our League celebrated the milestone of 50 years since its foundation in the weekend 17/18 August 2019. The event was held at the Panarcadian Association building 570 Victoria Street North Melbourne. The celebrations began at 2:00...
Results of the 2019 Literary Competition
Αποτελέσματα Λογοτεχνικού Διαγωνισμού 2019 Results of LiteraryCompetition 2019 Ποίηση Ελληνική γλώσσα Έπαινος: Ροδόσταμο– Χριστίνα Ανεστοπούλου Πεζό Ελληνική γλώσσα 1ο Βραβείο: Ανθρωποι θύματα, θύτες απ-άνθρωποι-Ευφροσύνη Δεληγιάννη 2ο Βραβείο: Πίνε απ το φως της...
GACL annual exhibition Antipodean Palette 2019
May 6, 2019 Antipodean Palette – 9th Annual Art Exhibition 2019 The Greek Australian Culture League is a non-profit organization which was established in 1970. It supports the creative endeavours of Greek – Australian writers and artists whose work reflects the...
The 65th issue of the literary periodical Antipodes will be launched οn October, 2019. This year the periodical is celebrating its 46th year of continuous circulation. The issue will pay tribute to the Greek-Australian artists of our community as well as a celebratory...