With this third Newsletter of 2016 we take the opportunity to inform you in advance about our future events so that you may organise your programme.
In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the dates of some scheduled events have changed since the circulation of the previous Newsletter (No. 2, June 2016).
We also like to remind you about the renewal of your subscription (if you have not done so already). You will find the information about subscription renewal at the end of this Newsletter. Please let us know via e-mail to membershipgacl@gmail.com that you had paid your subscription so that we can send you the appropriate receipt.
Postponed for 2017: the launch of the novel The Tear of the Moon by Athena Lefteriotou-Ginaki.
Postponed for 2017: the launch of two collections of poems by
Dina Amanatidou: Looking into the Soul and Reverberation of Silence.
• Sunday 18 December 2016, 3:00 pm
The Greek-Australian Cultural League and the Hellenic Writers Association of Australia jointly present the book by Vivienne Morris, Portraits of Hellenes in Antipodes Vol.2, at the mezzanine level of the Greek Centre, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.
Dr Maria Herodotou will be the guest speaker
and the historian Jim Claven will launch the
•Sunday 27 November 2016, 3:00 pm
The Greek-Australian Cultural League of Melbourne in conjunction with the Hellenic Writers Association of Australia and the Pan-Epirotic Federation present the lecture, “The history of the Greek Typography in the years of the Ottoman occupation” by Dean Kalimniou, dedicated to the memory of Petros Petranis, the North Epirot printer who contributed so much to the Greek community of Melbourne, at the Mezzanine level of the Greek Centre, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Dean Kalimniou will exhibit Greek publications printed between 1550 – 1841, from his own collection.
The Cultural Chain IANOS, the foremost place of connection of friends of books and art with the creators, the ideas, the currents and the trends of our era, this year completes 32 years of successful presence with a circuit of bookshops and Art shops, in Thessaloniki, Athens and also on the internet. It consists of nine vibrant shops and includes the website www.ianos.gr, which is one of the largest electronic shops for books, CDs, vinyl records and objets d’art in Greece.
The Cultural Chain IANOS envisions the contribution to and the dissemination of civilisation and culture by connecting people every day with the works and their creators, through a series of cultural events and the collaboration with like-minded organisations.
Additionally, it responds to requests from outside Greece as it has in stock and can send Books, New Editions, Best Sellers, CDs, text books used in Greek schools, Children’s Books, etc.
IANOS now collaborates with the Greek-Australian Cultural League of Melbourne and is at the disposal of our members for any clarification, additional information and request.
The Annual General Meeting of our League will be held on Sunday 4 December 2016, at 3:00 pm on the first floor of the Panarcadian Association “O Kolokotronis”, 570 Victoria Street, North Melbourne.
In accordance with the League’s Constitution, this year’s AGM will include the conduct of elections for a new Administrative Committee for the next two years (2017-18).
All financial members of the League are eligible to nominate for election, if they so desire.
We encourage you to nominate for election and to exhort your friends to nominate so that you create the opportunity for the A.C. to be renewed. The A.C. always needs new blood in order to develop and widen the activities of our League.
You will find the application form for candidature to the elections below in this Newsletter; if you wish to nominate for a position please complete the nomination form and mail it to the postal address of the League below, hand it to the General Secretary at the AGM, or email it to infogaclm@gmail.com, before the AGM. Please note that the nomination must be seconded by two members of the GACL.